HR Ressources Language Courses Recent Blogs
April 6, 2022
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Professional Language Certificate
Some jobs require a specific language level (e.g., administrative, legal secretary, copywriter, etc.), and in these cases, ELAM’s Professional Language Certificate is indispensable. Talent acquisition managers are not always able to gage the required language level for a position. Similarly, managers wanting to promote employees to new positions may need to provide proof of their language competency to perform the job adequately.
20 Jul 2022
Why Setting Goals in Language Learning is Vital
Feeling overwhelmed is a normal feeling while trying to learn a new language. Between learning new vocabulary and grammar rules as well as trying to speak it well it’s easy to want to give up.
28 Apr 2021
Doing it From a Distance
This session is all about doing the training, the practicing, the reviewing, and the learning online! At ELAM we are proud that we were able to convert all our signature programs to online versions.
02 Jan 2021
Case Study: In-house Learning vs. Virtual Learning, A Success Story!
The COVID-19 pandemic completely altered ELAM’s methods of operation in 2020 and 2021. In the latter part of 2020, the Pew Research Center reported that approximately 71% of employed adults worked from home, up from just 20% before the outbreak. As of 2022, some regions of the world are gradually returning to normalcy, but many businesses are closing their doors. They have realized how cost-effective remote business management can be while assuring the staff’s work is up to par!
26 Oct 2022
Why Choose a Diverse Supplier?
In this ever-changing world, finding one’s place in the job market can be a real challenge. At the SME level, the challenges are constantly growing. The demands require great flexibility and unprecedented adaptability to break into the market and keep one’s share.
11 Aug 2021
Three Reasons Employees Give Up Learning a Language
Learning a language is a long process, and staying motivated on the way to fluency can be difficult. It’s a lot easier to avoid the pitfalls and keep going until you’re satisfied with your foreign language skills if you understand the most common reasons individuals stop studying a language.
28 Jul 2021
The Different Learning Styles of Introverts and Extroverts
Learning a second language is a very personal experience, and people learn best in different ways. While there are slight and generalized differences between how introverts and extroverts experience a second language, both personalities have the same ability to become fluent in a new language!
23 Mar 2022
4 Tips to Make Your Employees Commit to Language Learning
Having a multilingual workforce is good for all kinds of businesses. It means better communication and problem-solving skills, more creativity, more confidence, and more chances to form alliances and build a strong customer base. Our clients often ask us how to get their employees to learn a new language to keep them motivate and to build loyalty.
03 May 2022
Can apps replace language training? Here are 6 Valid Points!
Apps are incredible tools with a great mission: to bring education to everyone. However, after spending so much time studying with them, shouldn’t you be seeing improved results? Be honest with yourself. Can you be content simply by learning new words, grasping a few grammatical principles, and even greeting someone in your target language?
23 Feb 2022
Emerging Languages Series: Learning German for Your Job
Increasing numbers of businesses and organizations have a global perspective. They require employees who not only speak foreign languages, such as German but also have experience with other mentalities and work practices, such as those gained during a stay in Germany. Such personnel can provide businesses with a crucial competitive advantage.
16 May 2022
Five Ways to Improve Your Company’s Language Training
When it comes to developing a multilingual, multicultural workforce, strategy is vital. We’ve put together a quick guide to helping your training department get the most out of foreign language training.
A multilingual team can be a significant asset in today’s global business world. We look at some of the ways you may make the most of language training in your organization as more companies look to diversify their workforce by implementing in-house foreign language training programs.
25 Aug 2021
How to Harness Your Memory to Learn a Language More Efficiently
According to Lisa Genova, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist, memories are either momentarily unavailable or permanently erased, which explains why some memories are designed to endure a few seconds while others can last a lifetime (your wedding day).
11 Jan 2022
Creating a self-learning language plan that works!
The reasons for learning a foreign language are different but all valid: whether it is for personal, professional, study or touristic reasons, speaking a foreign language helps to develop our mind, enrich our vision of life and broaden our horizons. “To learn a language is to have another window to look at the world” Chinese proverb.
22 Dec 2021
How to Maintain a Learned Language During a Hiatus!
If you devoted time to learning a language this year, now is the time to consider how you’ll keep that information fresh in your mind. There is a common saying about languages: “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” It’s also like starting an exercise program and then just stopping overnight. You must maintain your exercise regime even if you stop going to classes!
14 Jun 2022
Note-Taking 101 for Language Acquisition
Note-taking is a skill that we employ in many aspects of our lives, including language classes and the workplace. Many people, however, may recognize that they have not entirely polished the skills required to get the most out of their note-taking, so here are six pointers on how to be a more efficient and effective note-taker.
28 Jun 2021