HR Ressources Language Courses Recent Blogs
April 6, 2022
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Note-Taking 101 for Language Acquisition
Note-taking is a skill that we employ in many aspects of our lives, including language classes and the workplace. Many people, however, may recognize that they have not entirely polished the skills required to get the most out of their note-taking, so here are six pointers on how to be a more efficient and effective note-taker.
28 Jun 2021
Three Reasons Employees Give Up Learning a Language
Learning a language is a long process, and staying motivated on the way to fluency can be difficult. It’s a lot easier to avoid the pitfalls and keep going until you’re satisfied with your foreign language skills if you understand the most common reasons individuals stop studying a language.
28 Jul 2021
Teachers at the Heart of Our Organization
Fifty-five years ago, UNESCO established guidelines for teachers’ rights and responsibilities regarding basic training, continuing education, recruiting, employment, and working conditions. Since 1994, this day has been commemorated annually on October 5th as World Teacher’s Day!
29 Sep 2021
Anglicisms – what are they?
Why are anglicisms used, and does the use of these words really impoverish the language of Molière?
Before answering this question, let’s start by defining what an anglicism is.
01 Jun 2022
Surprising Statistic of Working from Home vs from the Office
As the world discovers alternative methods of working without human interaction, the work-fromhome workforce is undergoing a transformation. The majority of non-essential workers must complete
their work from home. In the midst of a pandemic, could working from home actually increase your
21 Sep 2022
Why Language Learning Podcasts?
Nowadays podcasts have become a very popular way of learning a variety of skills. From cooking to fiction storytelling the Internet has it all! The real question is: Do podcasts help language acquisition?
11 Feb 2021
Professional Language Certificate
Some jobs require a specific language level (e.g., administrative, legal secretary, copywriter, etc.), and in these cases, ELAM’s Professional Language Certificate is indispensable. Talent acquisition managers are not always able to gage the required language level for a position. Similarly, managers wanting to promote employees to new positions may need to provide proof of their language competency to perform the job adequately.
20 Jul 2022
Doing it From a Distance
This session is all about doing the training, the practicing, the reviewing, and the learning online! At ELAM we are proud that we were able to convert all our signature programs to online versions.
02 Jan 2021
Best Ways to Use Technology to Learn a Language
With the rise of technology, there are so many ways to learn a language. Do not get us wrong language learning classes with a teacher are still the best way to learn in our opinion, but there are many ways to use technology to supplement your language learning goals.
26 May 2021
Language At a Distance (LAD) Our Signature Programs
As the demand grows for language classes, so does ELAM. Since 1994 we have provided companies with innovative and fruitful language programs.
With our in-depth knowledge of the business world and intuitive insight into customer needs, supported by state-of-the-art digital teaching tools, ELAM enables companies in any industry to engage with their clients and stakeholders confidently.
Our customized training, a network of certified teachers, and ability to offer our services worldwide through virtual courses have benefited many companies in developing their employees’ language skills.
14 Sep 2022
How to Harness Your Memory to Learn a Language More Efficiently
According to Lisa Genova, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist, memories are either momentarily unavailable or permanently erased, which explains why some memories are designed to endure a few seconds while others can last a lifetime (your wedding day).
11 Jan 2022
Emerging Languages Series: Learning Mandarin for Your Job
From the late 2000s to the present, there has been a surge in interest in learning Mandarin. For the longest time, many people believed in China’s economic dream of becoming a prosperous and open country. China is wealthy today, but it is most emphatically not open.
20 Apr 2022
The Lesser-Known Benefits of Learning a Language
Our ability to connect with people is one of the most satisfying features of the human experience. It is a wonderful blessing to be able to communicate with someone in their language.
17 Nov 2021
The Different Learning Styles of Introverts and Extroverts
Learning a second language is a very personal experience, and people learn best in different ways. While there are slight and generalized differences between how introverts and extroverts experience a second language, both personalities have the same ability to become fluent in a new language!
23 Mar 2022
2022 Language Learning Trends
The way we learn languages has evolved tenfold in the recent past. Long gone are the tediously boring Berlitz cassettes used in language labs! Thankfully technology has made leaps and bounds, and here is a list of trends for 2022 to prove it!
02 Nov 2021