HR Ressources

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03 May: 4 Tips to Make Your Employees Commit to Language Learning

Having a multilingual workforce is good for all kinds of businesses. It means better communication and problem-solving skills, more creativity, more confidence, and more chances to form alliances and build a strong customer base. Our clients often ask us how to get their employees to learn a new language to keep them motivate and to build loyalty.

career booster

06 Apr: Language Learning as a Career Booster

Today, anyone interested in pursuing a career does not require professional expertise. Soft skills such as general communication abilities, networking, cultural awareness, and presentation abilities have become increasingly important in recent years. Additionally, there are core competencies such as digital competencies. In today’s globalized economy, a willingness to pursue an international career is also desirable, and companies encourage participation in appropriate additional training programs such as company language courses.

25 Aug: Five Ways to Improve Your Company’s Language Training

When it comes to developing a multilingual, multicultural workforce, strategy is vital. We’ve put together a quick guide to helping your training department get the most out of foreign language training.
A multilingual team can be a significant asset in today’s global business world. We look at some of the ways you may make the most of language training in your organization as more companies look to diversify their workforce by implementing in-house foreign language training programs.