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Our Services

Corporate Language Courses

Customizable and flexible language courses that enhance your employees’ communication skills, empowering them to exchange confidently and work more efficiently. Achieve corporate success by developing their full potential!

Language Assessment Services

Compliment your hiring process, identify or evaluate the overall linguistic proficiency levels of your team members with ELAM’s personalized and impartial language assessment services. Prompt, reliable and objective results tailored for any field of business.

Do You Have Questions?
We Have the Answers!

Just as words have power, so does knowledge. We aim to provide you with the most frequently asked questions within the language industry.

Recent Blogs
volunteers give food at refugee assistance center
ELAM Does 12 Days of Donating

This week, ELAM launched its annual 12 Days of Donating to various community, environmental, and health organisations for the third year in a row. Some of these organisations benefit from monthly donations, while others are supported by our annual campaign. Staff and clients make suggestions, and we all have very good reasons for choosing our causes.

Human Language Assessment vs. Artificial Intelligence Assessments

As a company in an ever-changing marketplace, you’re always looking for ways to streamline recruitment. Language skills are important in many jobs, and it’s important to ensure that candidates have the right spoken and written language skills. Providing organizations and candidates with a balanced, fair, and comfortable assessment process has been the driving force behind our language assessment services since 2001. We collaborate with our talent acquisition partners to ensure a stress-free and efficient overall experience.

Multiethnic business people working together in the office. Group of multiethnic business people working together in the office
The Advantages of Learning a New Language for Business   

Effective communication at work is essential to ensuring that the business and its employees can reach their goals and build good relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Cross-cultural communication relies heavily on language. It affects every part of a multinational company and gives business leaders access to many new opportunities.

As modern technology makes global business more accessible, knowing various languages will continue to be advantageous. Language differences can significantly affect how well your international business does and learning new languages can help your company enter new markets. Consequently, what are the business advantages of learning a new language?

Case Study Inhouse Learning to Virtual Learning, a Succes story (2)
Case Study: In-house Learning vs. Virtual Learning, A Success Story!

The COVID-19 pandemic completely altered ELAM’s methods of operation in 2020 and 2021. In the latter part of 2020, the Pew Research Center reported that approximately 71% of employed adults worked from home, up from just 20% before the outbreak. As of 2022, some regions of the world are gradually returning to normalcy, but many businesses are closing their doors. They have realized how cost-effective remote business management can be while assuring the staff’s work is up to par!